476 results found for: Adrenal

ARD Giveaway

REGISTER TODAY TO JOIN THE ADRENAL RESET DIET PROGRAM ABSOLUTELY FREE! Our Gift To You To Help You Manage Stress. This includes a free video training series to help reduce stress, increase your energy, get better sleep and shed stubborn weight. Your adrenals are the key. Enter your name and […]
Why Eat OatsWhy Eat Oats

Why Eat Oats

Hey there, Dr. C here, About a month ago I said that now is a good time to make peace with carbohydrates. They are inexpensive, they have a long shelf life, and they may be the last foods on the shelf in the grocery store.

Current Evidence for Meal Replacement

Hey there, Dr. C here. I was finishing my morning run earlier today and was feeling optimistic. There have been a few new projections that look much more encouraging than the previous ones. As I was running and listening to a report with the newest projections I saw this picture […]

Chicken Apple Salad

This is a lower fat, and healthier version of chicken salad. You can use canned chicken, or leftover grilled chicken. You can use this chicken salad with carbs like: rice, quinoa, or even a homemade sourdough bread.

antiviral protocolantiviral protocol

DrC’s AntiViral Supplement Protocol

Hey there, Dr. C here with you. Today’s blog is in response to a question I received last week. Hi Dr. Christianson, I have seen several different suggestions for immunity kits people should have in case they get sick from any kind of virus. They all seem to be different. […]

safflower oilsafflower oil

Is Safflower Oil In Your Kitchen?

I want to share with you a product you may not have heard much about before: safflower oil. In this article, I’ll share with you what it is, why it helps, and how you can be getting it into your system starting today.