474 results found for: Adrenal

Fast and Easy Chili

We used lean ground turkey. Any ground meat or meat substitute can work. You have lots of options with the beans as well. Kidney beans are classic but most times are fine. Besides black beans, pintos, garbanzos, and northern beans are great in this dish.

ARD Giveaway

REGISTER TODAY TO JOIN THE ADRENAL RESET DIET PROGRAM ABSOLUTELY FREE! Our Gift To You To Help You Manage Stress. This includes a free video training series to help reduce stress, increase your energy, get better sleep and shed stubborn weight. Your adrenals are the key. Enter your name and […]
Why Eat Oats

Why Eat Oats

Hey there, Dr. C here, About a month ago I said that now is a good time to make peace with carbohydrates. They are inexpensive, they have a long shelf life, and they may be the last foods on the shelf in the grocery store.

Current Evidence for Meal Replacement

Hey there, Dr. C here. I was finishing my morning run earlier today and was feeling optimistic. There have been a few new projections that look much more encouraging than the previous ones. As I was running and listening to a report with the newest projections I saw this picture […]

Chicken Apple Salad

This is a lower fat, and healthier version of chicken salad. You can use canned chicken, or leftover grilled chicken. You can use this chicken salad with carbs like: rice, quinoa, or even a homemade sourdough bread.

antiviral protocol

DrC’s AntiViral Supplement Protocol

Hey there, Dr. C here with you. Today’s blog is in response to a question I received last week. Hi Dr. Christianson, I have seen several different suggestions for immunity kits people should have in case they get sick from any kind of virus. They all seem to be different. […]