Are you unsure about the state of salicylates and your health? I have heard a lot of talk about salicylates, where you can find them, and how they can have an impact on your health. That’s why I want to dive deep into salicylates, and the research behind them. To […]
Have you had difficulties with the quality of your sleep? Do you feel exhausted, irritable, or just not like yourself throughout the day? Well, you might be dealing with sleep apnea. It’s more common than you might know, and I want to help shine a light on sleep apnea – […]
Even on a healthy diet, did you know that you might not be getting enough vitamin E? Even supplements might be the wrong decision. Today I want to have a conversation about vitamin E – what it can do for you, how much you need of it, and where you […]
It is the biggest question that you might not yet have the answer to: Do you have fatty liver? Today, I want to introduce you to this common liver disease, and how you can treat it the right way so that you can get back to feeling better than ever.
I recently received a question from a reader that I would love to share with you. It concerns reducing and getting off thyroid medications naturally and what action steps you should consider.
I have seen a lot of statements from thyroid experts saying that free T3 and T3 levels should be on the highest end of the normal range. People have often struggled because of this, though.
The thought of undergoing thyroid surgery can cause a stir of emotions: fear, panic, worry… During this time, you also have to make a very important decision that is going to affect your health, leaving you wondering, “Am I making the right choice?”
You might be struggling, and you might be looking for answers – today, I would love to be able to help you with both. If you feel like you are dealing with depression, it helps to get to the bottom of things. To know whether it’s depression, or even hidden thyroid […]
It’s a question that is essential to your health: are you getting too much or too little iodine? We often refer to iodine as the “goldilocks” nutrient of your thyroid. Not too much, not too little, things need to be just right to secure your long-term health. Let’s dive into […]