Podcasts – Thyroid

April 4, 2024

Podcast – The Essential Role of Diet in Thyroid Health: Part 5 of the Thyroid Beginner Series

Part 4 of the Thyroid Beginner Series Some people's genes work better in low-iodine environments, while others work better in high-iodine environments. Interestingly, people who are prone to thyroid disease may have a lower tolerance for iodine, making them more vulnerable to triggers, even at normal iodine levels.
March 30, 2024

Podcast – The Importance of Iodine for Thyroid Health: Part 4 of the Thyroid Beginner Series

Part 4 of the Thyroid Beginner Series Some people's genes work better in low-iodine environments, while others work better in high-iodine environments. Interestingly, people who are prone to thyroid disease may have a lower tolerance for iodine, making them more vulnerable to triggers, even at normal iodine levels.
February 24, 2024

Podcast – Navigating Thyroid Health: Part 1 of the Thyroid Beginner Series

As part of the Thyroid Beginner Series, Dr. C. discusses the prevalence of thyroid disease in this episode. Despite affecting a significant portion of the population, many cases go undiagnosed. Moreover, conventional treatments like thyroid medication not only offer little benefit but also pose serious health risks, including increased cancer rates.
September 19, 2022

Personal Care Products to Consider for Health and Wellness with Katie Wells

Are we to always base the prognosis on charts? Can we still reverse the disease? These are the questions that are digging into our minds. Let us know why “the results are not always linear”, the relationship of our weight to our thyroid function, and let’s learn “the creative ways to do better” with our thyroid issues.
June 6, 2022

What are the best thyroid levels? with Dr. Katie Rothwell

Are we to always base the prognosis on charts? Can we still reverse the disease? These are the questions that are digging into our minds. Let us know why “the results are not always linear”, the relationship of our weight to our thyroid function, and let’s learn “the creative ways to do better” with our thyroid issues.
November 1, 2021

Podcast – Dangers of too much Vitamin D With Dr. Deva Boone

There are so many questions about Vitamin D today especially in the media regarding its relevance to general health, thyroid health and how it is related to COVID. There are a lot of arguments as to how Vitamin D can be beneficial to humans, and the recent one is its contribution to fight COVID-19.