How much do you know about everyday superfoods? This is a topic that I absolutely love to talk about, and can really benefit your health in so many ways. We often don’t think about the simple foods that we can add to our diets to feel better, and today I want […]
Is cold water bad for your thyroid? Today, I want to discuss the relationship between cold water and your thyroid. As well as contrast hydrotherapy for your thyroid.
Hello! In our family, cooking is definitely one of our greatest pleasures. It allows us to spend time with one another. To bond and try new things, and to do right by our bodies. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed being able to share delicious […]
Iodine: We talk a lot about it, but how much do you need exactly? It’s a good thing, but it’s not a magic tonic. It’s just a mineral with a very exacting requirement, and the amount you want to get is what I want to help you determine in today’s […]
Is testing your thyroid on your mind? Where do you even begin? In this article, I want to share with you some of the main reasons why you might want to test, which thyroid tests you should pursue, and what you can do with those results.
In 2017, one of the most highly-searched terms was “ketogenic diet.” Today, I want to dive a bit deeper into what the ketogenic diet is, the relationship between hypothyroidism and keto diet and keto and thyroid medication.
Do you have IBS? If you are feeling discomfort, or undergoing tests in hopes of finding an explanation to your digestive symptoms, there could be an easy answer. Let me help you get to the bottom of your digestive health….
Today, I want to talk to you about iodine. More specifically, I want to discuss how much iodine you need for thyroid disease. You might have noticed that I recently shared an article about how 78% of people can reverse thyroid disease with iodine restriction. Since then, I have gotten […]
Have you been looking for the perfect underactive thyroid medication? There are so many options, it can often be difficult to figure out which one is best for your health. Whether you are looking or you are currently on medication, you need to know which is best. Today, let me […]