480 results found for: Adrenal

A Deep Dive On Iron

Did you know that iron can be the key to your health? It’s important to know how good it can be, what are the right amounts, and what you can do to get more of it at the right time.

Should You Be Taking A Probiotic Every Day?

If you were putting together a list of all the things you should take every day, the best suggestion is to make that list as short as possible. That’s because, if you make the criteria too lax about the things you take, you will soon be taking a whole lot […]


Is Ginger A Problem If You Have Thyroid Disease?

I recently received a really great question about the use of ginger for cooking and its relationship with your thyroid overall. If you are curious or concerned about whether or not you should be cooking with ginger, this discussion is for you. The question I got was: Hi, Dr. C. […]

Does Mold Cause Thyroid Problems?

Are you concerned about mold in your home? For today’s discussion, I want to key in on the link between mold, autoimmunity, and your thyroid. Let’s discuss what we know about mold, how it relates to your overall thyroid health, and some of the most safe and effective strategies to […]