466 results found for: Adrenal

brazil nuts

Do Brazil Nuts Cause Hair Loss?

Can Brazil nuts cause you to lose your hair? The short answer? No. However, I recently read something suggesting exactly that. As with most things that contain a grain of truth, or misunderstanding of a concept (keep reading to see where this idea came from), it inspired me to put […]

Finding The Right Medical Team

Finding the Right Medical Team A common theme expressed by those with thyroid disease is a sense of frustration with their initial health care providers. Often symptoms go on for too long before thyroid disease is diagnosed. Even after diagnosis, treatments fail to alleviate many of the symptoms. In the […]

Cooking Whole Grains

Cooking Whole Grains If you are new to cooking whole grains, here is a primer with everything you need to know and some guides for each individual type. You can cook them in any quantity but they come out the best when you cook them in larger batches. There are […]

TLC Bonus

Hey welcome aboard! As promised, here’s some TLC to get you started. Please enjoy: 35 Natural Hormone Resets - Simple, science based, natural solutions you can use to reset your health, and your life. Reset Shake Recipe Guide - Delicious recipes to transform your breakfast shake into so much more. […]

How to Test Your Iodine Levels

If too much iodine can cause thyroid disease, how do you know if you are getting too much? It is a logical question, and thankfully there are ways to test. However, most tests are not accurate, and in many cases, testing is not helpful. This article will help you decide […]