471 results found for: Adrenal

TLC Bonus

Hey welcome aboard! As promised, here’s some TLC to get you started. Please enjoy: 35 Natural Hormone Resets - Simple, science based, natural solutions you can use to reset your health, and your life. Reset Shake Recipe Guide - Delicious recipes to transform your breakfast shake into so much more. […]

How to Test Your Iodine Levels

If too much iodine can cause thyroid disease, how do you know if you are getting too much? It is a logical question, and thankfully there are ways to test. However, most tests are not accurate, and in many cases, testing is not helpful. This article will help you decide […]

selenium selenium

A Deep Dive On Selenium For Your Thyroid

What relationship does selenium share with your thyroid? It’s a complex, and yet incredibly important one. So, if you have been curious, I want to provide exactly the right deep dive to meet your needs. Buckle up, because we will be covering it all!

5G 5G

5G and Your Thyroid Health

The recent introduction of 5G cellular is bound to change a lot of things, but is your health one of them? I have written about 5G in the past, but today I wanted to put together a more comprehensive guide to answer any of the questions you may have.