How is it possible that you could be on thyroid medication, and yet it just doesn’t seem to be working? Today, I want to share with you 19 potential reasons why your thyroid medications won’t work, and what you can do about it.
Today, let’s talk all about turmeric. Did you know there has been a lot of new data coming out about it?
Iodine brings with it a whole host of questions: How much iodine is safe per day? Should hypothyroid patients take iodine? What’s the role of iodine in pregnancy? And, why in the world is iodine controversial? The funny thing is that it’s not. Except for within natural medicine. In today’s […]
Have you ever considered using jade eggs for pelvic floor physical therapy? Does a vaginal steaming sound like an effective way to cleanse your reproductive organs? Too many women are struggling with symptoms that they don’t know what to do with, and with all of the noise from the internet and celebrity endorsements, it can be hard to separate medical truth from wishful thinking.
There’s no doubt about it: losing your hair is incredibly personal, and it can be devastating to your self-esteem. For our discussion today, I want to dive deep into the subject of hair loss, the causes of hair loss, and what you can do to help it get better.
Today, I want to share with you a quick run-through of the history of thyroid disease and thyroid treatments. That’s because I think it’s always helpful to know why we have the various conundrums, debates, and conflicts we have in medicine.
Magnesium deficiency is a real problem. We’ve seen data from the NIH saying that 68% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. When we have numbers like these, it’s critical that we figure out ways to combat magnesium deficiency — especially through our diet.
Recently, I received an important question that inspired something of a deep dive. It went like this: “Hi, Dr. C., I’m desperate to lower my thyroid antibodies, lose weight, and feel better. What would be the ultimate list of supplements to help?”
Can Brazil nuts cause you to lose your hair? The short answer? No. However, I recently read something suggesting exactly that. As with most things that contain a grain of truth, or misunderstanding of a concept (keep reading to see where this idea came from), it inspired me to put […]