Podcasts – Health

February 14, 2020

Podcast – The Whole Truth About Whole Grains – Part 3 with Stephen Yafa

Today we’re continuing our conversation on the effect of grains on health. I’m joined by Stephen Yafa, an author and speaker who has critically studied the current ideas and widely accepted misconceptions about wheat — if it has been genetically modified in dangerous ways, whether its basic structure has changed over recent decades, and whether it triggers diseases outside of Celiac. Stephen clarifies the differences between refined wheat and whole wheat, explains the benefits of various types of sourdough, and offers insights into the artisanal flour movement in America.
February 10, 2020

Podcast – Mediterranean Diet: Top Myths with Dr. Steven Masley

The Mediterranean diet is considered the top diet in the world, but what exactly makes it so successful? How difficult is it to get started? How expensive is it? There are many myths surrounding the Mediterranean diet that can confuse and complicate this highly effective method for losing weight and living longer, but on today’s episode we’re going to separate fact from fiction as we dive into the delicious details of the Mediterranean diet.
February 3, 2020

Podcast – The Whole Truth About Whole Grains – Part 2 with Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Today we’re continuing our conversation about grains with family physician, nutritional researcher, president of the Nutritional Research Foundation and best-selling author Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He and I discuss the role that plant foods have in promoting overall health, especially whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
January 20, 2020

Podcast – The Whole Truth About Whole Grains – Part 1 with Dr. Peter Osborne

Today is the first episode of a three part series that examines the effect of grains on health. I’m joined today by the Gluten-Free Warrior — Dr. Peter Osborne, the founder of the Gluten-Free Society who works to help people with autoimmune and degenerative diseases.
January 6, 2020

Podcast – Following the Path that Turns Carbs into Fat with Chris Masterjohn, PhD.

I’m joined today by Chris Masterjohn, PhD to examine the pathway that turns carbs into fat. I admire Chris as someone who is consistently putting out good data and cutting through the hype that too often confuses too many of us. Like me, Chris does not fully endorse a low-carb or ketogenic diet, and he explains why.
December 26, 2019

Podcast – How Do Carbs Really Affect Your Health?

On this episode I want to address your fears about how carbohydrates really affect your health. Our understanding of energy balance has increased dramatically over the last decade, and I want to make sure that you have a solid understanding of the science-based information that is available today so that you can make the best decisions for your health. Carbs have been villainized for too long and I want to help you understand the dangers of eliminating any macronutrients from your diet.
December 23, 2019

Podcast – Does Green Snot Deserve Antibiotics? with Susan Wilder

On this episode we’re looking at antibiotics, which are incredibly useful when fighting bacterial infections, but can be just as harmful to your body and your gut health if you’re taking them when you don’t need them. But what are the potentially harmful side effects of taking multiple rounds of antibiotics? And how can you know when you should take them and when you are better off trying something else instead?