What Were The Study’s Other Insights?
Some of the most notable results from the groups’ responses to the individual questions were the following:
96% of those taking the survey were female. This is higher than the average number of females relative to males with thyroid disease (at 80-90%).
There was an even distribution of ages, between 31 to over 61. Responses were not higher in the older age groups.
43% had hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s. 34% did not know the cause (it is likely the vast majority of these were also from Hashimoto’s).
Type of Thyroid Hormones
62% was on T4 only and 29% were on NDT. I was surprised the latter was so high, especially since this was a survey of viewers to a website which strongly endorses T4-only treatment.
Length of Treatment
The largest number of respondents were on treatment for over 10 years.
Other Issues
21% felt that stress was contributing to their symptoms. 19% felt that other medical problems were the culprit.
Other Medical Issues
The most common was depression (27%) followed by GI diseases (14%).
Satisfaction with Current Treatment
The group rated their satisfaction as a 5 out of a possible 10 (with 10 being very satisfied). Those on T4 only were the least satisfied, followed by those on combination therapy (T4+T3). Those on NDT had the highest treatment satisfaction rating.
Of those who said they were not satisfied, and which areas of their lives were affected, #1 was energy (77%) closely followed by weight (69%). Memory was #3 (58%).
Satisfaction with Physicians
The average answer was 6/10 (with 10 as highly satisfied). Those on NDT were ultimately more satisfied with their physicians.
Overall, the average score of 6 represented a pretty wide range of responses. Some were highly satisfied and many were not satisfied at all.
Knowledge of Physicians
The group answer was 5/10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable). Those on NDT rated their physicians as more knowledgeable. This average also consisted of a very wide range of answers.
Changing Thyroid Doctors
39% of respondents had changed doctors 2 – 4 times in search of better treatment.
New Treatments
When asked how important new treatments for hypothyroidism were, the average score was 10/10 (with 10 being very important).
Life Changes
The group answer determining how impacted their lives were by hypothyroidism was 10/10 (with 10 being strongly affected).